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Got questions?
Here are some answers
I'm seeing "Unknown" operator/weapon with skins. What is that?
Sometimes there is no way for me to find out what operator/weapon the skins belong to from Ubisoft directly.
In these cases I have to manually search the internet for each skin to find out what operator/weapon belongs to.
Even more though, there is no way at all except for the elimination method - not easy and very time consuming.
If you know what operator/weapon a certain skin belongs to - enlighten me on Discord
I just recieved an e-mail that my account was logged into from a new location. Why?
This is because I'm using your login info to get data from Ubisoft. And to do that I need to actually login to the account.
You can safely ignore and delete these e-mails.
These logins are happening from ~30 datacenters around the world, because you and I want the login to happen as close to you as possible.
I get the NUH UH gif too often. Is there a way around that?
No way around that. You are using this site in a way that you are not supposed to.
I am seeing an error code on an account I just added. What is that?
These error codes are there, because something went wrong when the server was trying to get data from Ubisoft.
Or when I was parsing the data that I got from Ubisoft.
It's there to help me figure out what went wrong.
If something doesn't work - let me know Discord
Where can I see accounts that I've added?
You need to be logged in when adding your accounts so they will be saved under your profile.
You can then see all of your accounts on the account selector page
The account page is displaying only Legendary, Rare & Epic skins. I want to see all of them.
By default every page only displays Legendary, Rare & Epic skins.
You can change this behaviour by setting up 'Custom Filters' on your profile page
Why is the amount of total skins different from amount of inventory items?
Because Ubisoft stores a lot of extra stuff in the inventory.
Things like Renown, R6 Credits, Level, Current level XP
But also "Reward Tokens", "Store Rewards", Battle Pass data and much more..
I have found a skin that has a wrong name displayed on the page
There is well over 16 thousand items in the database. It is very possible that I have made a mistake.
If you find a skin that has a wrong name - tell me about it on Discord
If you have any proof of the correct name, that would be very helpful.
Is there a way to hide ranked data for all of my accounts?
Yes! If you want to hide ranked stats, you can do that on your profile page
I don't feel comfortable giving you my login info. Is there a way to avoid this?
No. I need your login info to be able to get the data from Ubisoft.
I do not store your login info anywhere. I have made the system in a way that I don't even have access to it.
Even if I wanted to, I couldn't access your login info.
I really could not care less about your account.. I've made this site to help people, and mainly myself.
At the end of the day, nobody is forcing you to use this site..
Didn't find an answer to your question?
Feel free to ask on Discord